Mailing list

Total subscribers10866
Subscribers by first productFatebook: 4317, AI Digest: 1640, Quantified Intuitions: 4908, none: 1

Cumulative subscribers by first product

Product signup overlap (%)

Cumulative Fatebook subscribers

Cumulative Quantified Intuitions subscribers

Cumulative AI Digest subscribers

Daily AI Digest subscribers (last 6mo, excl extreme outliers)


Calibration answers42453
Unique users1880
Average score in first 20 answers (for users with >40 answers)-3
Average score in last 20 answers (for users with >40 answers)-2.1
Users with >40 answers281

Calibration answers by date

Unique calibration users by date

20 random users score rolling average across their first 50 calibration answers

Average score for nth question answered (for users with >20 answers)


Unique users1060
Average score in first 20 answers (for users with >40 answers)-0.5
Average score in last 20 answers (for users with >40 answers)-0.7
Users with >40 pastcasts29

Pastcasts by date

Unique pastcasting users by date

20 random users score rolling average across their first 50 pastcasts

Average score for nth pastcasts (for users with >20 pastcasts)

Estimation Game

Estimation Game answers57907
Unique users3907
Total number of teams10492
Average self-reported num of players per team (defaults to 1)1.45
Average score in first 20 answers (for users with >40 answers)-1
Average score in last 20 answers (for users with >40 answers)-0.8
Users with >40 answers297

Estimation Game answers by date

Unique Estimation Game players by date

Estimation Game number of teams

Estimation Game self-reported number of players

Estimation Game new team leaders

Estimation Game average score by team size

20 random users score rolling average across their first 20 Estimation Game answers

Average score for nth Estimation Game question answered (for users with >20 answers)